Lip enhancement procedures have become among the most popular cosmetic procedures. Most of the lip augmentation procedures are largely non-surgical, though there are a few surgical options. Non-surgical options primarily involve injections while surgical lip enlargement is more varied depending on the patient’s needs. Regardless, if a patient choose lip filler versus a lip lift versus a lip flip they all have the potential to look natural.
Reasons people seek lip augmentation / enhancement
Lip augmentation became more popular in the last fifteen years or so. Fuller lips became a trend and people began to seek cosmetic procedures to both plump their lips and enhance overall appearance of their face. It also helped aging patients look younger by restoring volume to the lips for a more youthful, natural looking face.
Some of the other reasons that people seek lip enhancement include:
- Correct lip asymmetry
- Address scarring on or near the lips
- Achieve more tooth show
- Look more feminine
- Enhance the shape of the Cupid’s bow
- Reduce fine lines and wrinkles on or near the lips
Techniques - Non Surgical & Surgical
As previously mentioned, there are multiple ways to enhance the lips. The most popular procedures for lip augmentation are non-surgical. Here are the most common non-surgical lip augmentation techniques.
Lip Filler
Using injections of hyaluronic acid based gel fillers, the providers at Injectco can naturally plump the lips. The filler is soft and feels exceptionally natural once it settles. Hyaluronic acid fillers are slowly broken down by the body’s metabolism. This means it is not permanent, but this can be a plus for anyone wanting to change up their look frequently or not have to commit to results.
Hyaluronic acid can also be broken down manually via injections of hyaluronidase. The ability to do this makes lip filler one of the safest lip enhancement procedures.
Lip Flip
A lip flip uses a small amount of Botox injected into the muscle just above the lip to relax it. This reveals more of the pink portion of the lip. Thus, it looks—and is—very natural. A Botox lip flip is generally only performed on the top lip, but in some cases can also benefit the lower lip. Like with filler, a Botox lip flip is not permanent.
Fat Transfer
The first surgical lip plumping option involves using liposuction to harvest fat and then injecting it into the lips. This does feel very natural and tends to be permanent once the surviving fat creates a blood supply. While growing in popularity, this is not usually a popular choice since the amount of fat necessary to plump the lips is extremely small. It is best for patients who may be undergoing liposuction already and want to take a small portion of the removed fat for their lips.
Patients are sometimes awake during this procedure. It is fairly non-invasive and somewhat bridges the gap between the surgical and non-surgical lip enhancement options.
Lip Lift
Like the lip flip, a lip lift only addresses the upper lip. It is best for people who have a long philtrum and would like more vertical height of the upper lip. A lip ift surgically removes a small strip of skin underneath the nose. When the incision is closed, the upper lip is slightly pulled upward which makes the upper lip—and often the lips in general—look plumper, youthful, and feminine.
Lip Implants
Lip implants are essentially a permanent form of lip filler. A flexible silicone implant is placed into the lips to plump the lips. The implant is soft and malleable which helps it feel like the natural tissue of the lips. They also come in different sizes and are personalized to fit the patient and their goals.
Procedure performed by Kiara Dewitt
Kiara at Injectco performs non-surgical lip augmentation procedures. This includes lip filler, lip flip injections, and also uses injectables for more specific concerns such as to correct gummy smiles. Kiara and her team understand facial aesthestics and use their knowledge and pair it with the patient’s desired outcome. Dallas based Injectco provides customized lip enhancement.
Lip Augmentation Before & After Photos

What to expect post treatment
Post treatment lip enlargement protocols usually do not interfere daily like a surgical procedure would. Lip filler after care often includes taking a break from exercise, limiting lip movement, and skipping certain skincare for the night. However, these lip augmentation after injection instructions are meant to help limit side effects, prevent the filler from moving out of place, and prevent infection.
For the most part, negative outcomes are rare and following post injection protocols make them even less likely. Patients can expect to return to work the next day and their full strenuous exercise routine within about two days.
Schedule a Consultation
For lip augmentation in the Plano and Dallas areas, Injectco offers four locations. Our providers specialize in natural looking face fillers, including lip enhancement. Patients can book their appointment online through our scheduling portal. Patients can also submit a contact form or Price Simulator query if they have questions. Finally, patients can call us at 817-533-7676.