
Our Services

Dysport In Arlington, TX

How Dysport Decreases The Appearance Of Wrinkles

How Dysport Can Benefit You

Are You A Good Candidate For Dysport In Arlington, TX?

What To Expect From Your Dysport Session At Injectco

What Are The Risks And Side Effects Of Dysport?

Why Should You Choose Injectco For Your Dysport Treatment In Arlington, TX?

Reduce Facial Wrinkles With A Dysport Session At Injectco

Frequently Asked Questions

Both Dysport and Botox use purified forms of botulinum toxin to reduce wrinkles. While neither is considered healthier, individual reactions can vary. Some people may prefer Dysport due to its quicker onset, while others might stick with Botox based on brand familiarity.
If you don’t know which option is best for you, discuss your concerns with a qualified injector specializing in cosmetic injectables near Arlington, TX, who can guide you toward the most suitable choice.

Dysport results typically last around three to four months, though some patients report effectiveness for up to five months. The exact duration depends on factors like your metabolism, how expressive you are, and your skincare routine.
If you’re looking for wrinkle relaxers near Arlington, TX, that offer consistent results over time, Dysport is a reliable choice. Regular follow-up sessions can help you maintain a smooth, youthful appearance all year long.

While there isn’t a strict age limit, Dysport is most commonly used by adults who want to address dynamic wrinkles caused by facial expressions. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified injector to determine if you’re a suitable candidate, regardless of your age. Teens typically do not receive Dysport, but adults in their twenties and beyond can benefit from it as part of an overall plan for skin rejuvenation in Arlington, TX.

When Dysport wears off, the treated facial muscles gradually return to their previous activity level, allowing wrinkles to reappear. This process is typically gradual and won’t happen overnight. Many people schedule repeat Dysport sessions near Arlington, TX, to maintain their desired look. If you decide not to continue with further treatments, your wrinkles simply return to how they appeared before you started Dysport without any accelerated aging effects.

In most cases, Dysport is effective in reducing wrinkles. However, a small percentage of people may develop antibodies to botulinum toxin, which makes them resistant to treatments like Dysport or Botox. In other cases, incorrect injection techniques or dosing might lead to unsatisfactory results. 

If you think Dysport isn’t working for you, discuss your concerns with a qualified injector. They may adjust your dosage or recommend other aesthetic treatments in Arlington, TX, to help you reach your cosmetic goals.

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